Ever since FIFA started running London Nautical things have been going surprisingly well. The timetable has had some dramatic changes due to the fact classes have been by separated by ability and the best teachers teaching the smartest students. For example The Champions Class, containing the very richest of the pupils, get top class teaching for the very best even if it does cost them £100,000’s a week. The second group of students are called The Premier Class. These pupils are not so well of as The Champions Class however still found a way to pay about £50,000-£75,000 a week depending what subjects they do. As you look further down the list you begin to see the classes where the children might not be so well off. For example, The Johnstone Paint Class is full of students with incomplete uniform and who’s parents are not as wealthy. The teachers the lower classes are provided show very little knowledge into the subjects they teach and on some occasions, the students know more.
The food students are provided with also contain the best of nutrition for their mental ability. Champions students are supplied with wholegrain, fish and vegetables to support them through their difficult studies. Johnstone Paint students are fed burgers, chips and sausages as not so much of a struggle is needed for them. Better facilities are also an option if you are willing to pay. Larger classrooms with state of the art of carpet that has never been flatter and books packed with information to make sure the well-heeled kids are gaining all the knowledge they can compared to the others who get smaller classrooms along with almost empty books, that the children add information to, and classroom floors that can barely be walked on due to the lumps and bumps all over.
Towards the end of the school life, the pupils face a tough set of tests called The Champions League. The Champions League is a set of exams where two classes of selected pupils will compete against each other to see who can get the best result. These are the exams that only the best of pupils compete for. But of course, due to there 5 years of good teaching and resources, the main people who qualify and succeed in these events are of the higher class and wealth. The second tier prosperity have a different set of exams called Europa. These will include 2 sets of exams against other schools, just like the champions league, however the difficulty will not be as severe. The conditions will also not be the same. Europa will have to deal with noise in the distant back ground, shaky tables and strict invigilators. Although they may share the down side of the strict invigilator, the conditions for the Champions League could not be better with sound proof windows and new tables every assessment. During this set of exams, schools have to pay an additional fund for extra invigilators who check for cheating the main one may not spot and just like the many other schools I asked, they completely disagree with the idea of it and seem baffled to why it happens despite the many schools that clash views of the FIEA (Fédération Internationale de Ecole Association).
Overall, after having VERY good discussions with the Head Teacher and coming to an arrangement, London Nautical is an Outstanding school with no problems. It is a school that thrives to bring out the best in all pupils by providing them with equal opportunities no matter there social or economic background.